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Induction Mini [a {scraptastic} finish]

Rewind 16 weeks. I was 41 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Too pregnant. Huge. Fed up. I was booked in for induction. Call the maternity ward at 1pm to check if you can go in at 2pm as planned. Lunch at Weatherspoons. Home and on the phone. "Sorry, we're really busy this afternoon and don't have room for you. Call back at 5pm". I think 'disappointed' best described my emotions.

So I had four hours to kill. I decided to pull down my scrap basket and do some mindless piecing. I cut little pieces 2"x 1" and pieced them into sets of three without much more thought than colours together. It was what I needed. By the time I called the maternity ward back at 5 I had a nice little pile of them.

The maternity ward told me to leave it half an hour then come in, but they couldn't guarantee I would be seen quickly. In the end my waters weren't broken until 5.30am the next morning. Jessica arrived just 11 hours later.

A few days later, the first sewing I did when I gt back home, was to piece those three-strip units into this mini quilt. I wasn't really sure what to do with it at that point: do I make more units and a bigger quilt. In the end I decided to leave it as it was as my Induction Mini - my memories of that day.

Over the last week, whilst on holiday, I've hand-quilted it, with a line of matching perle thread on each strip, and today I finished it with a very narrow black binding. It's just 10.5" x 7.5" but I'm really pleased with it. It's bright and happy and reminds me of the last moments of my pregnancy before Jessica arrived. One day I hope it will be hers, when she can understand its story, but until then, it's mine - all mine!

This project was on my Q3 Finish Along list.

And I'm also linking up with Scraptastic Tuesday.

Scraptastic Tuesday


Leanne said…
I love the story of this little quilt and the colours are so lovely! Thanks for sharing it for Scraptastic Tuesday.
Nicky said…
Great story and what a lovely thought that you will (eventually) pass it on. Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday
Lin said…
Very striking little piece and what a great picture of your girls. xx
I love this mini and the way it has a story attached (although I'm sure you would rather have been in the hospital being induced rather than stuck at home waiting to ring!) - congratulations on your finish, and thank you, on behalf of the 2016 global FAL hosts, for taking part!

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