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If you can't stand the heat... [a finish]

...Get out of the Kitchen!

A good friend celebrated her "significant" birthday last weekend. She absolutely loves the Great British Bake Off so to celebrate her big day I made her a mini quilt.

Just a few weeks ago I discovered a website called Urban Threads - they sell machine and hand embroidery designs. I don't do machine embroidery but I do love some hand embroidery. And the designs on this site are so different to the usual twee flowers and never-ending Sun Bonnet Sue! I spent many hours browsing the site, and I could spend many, many hours completing a lot of their designs. For this project I picked "If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen".

The majority of the embroidery, which is all done by hand, is backstitch in one or two strands of DMC thread. I used satin stitch for "kitchen" and it seemed to take forever. The colour scheme was an easy pick - I love friends who have Pinterest boards to help me!

I finished off the mini with a couple of borders and some flying geese and some free motion quilting. I even added a label!

This is another tick on my Finish Along list for Q4. You can find my original list here!

Finish Along 2014


DebraKay Neiman said…
Jennie, I love this. I shop at Urban Threads for embroidery patterns all the time. They Rock! crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
Marly said…
Beautiful embroidery Jennie; you must have the patience of a saint! Thanks for the tip about the embroidery patterns. If this one is anything to go by, they're right up my street too!
Sonia said…
Such a thoughtful gift Jennie, love it x
Lin said…
What a lovely thoughtful gift Jennie - and beautiful stitching. Your friend must have been very pleased. xx
Wendy said…
that's lovely! Your stitching is so neat and pretty, great choice of colour scheme.

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