I love May. Everywhere suddenly turns green and the evenings are lighter. We'll pretend hay-fever isn't a thing! And even better, I got my sewing machine and sewing space unpacked and started sewing. The problem is that I haven't used it very much because I've been diverted by some hand sewing projects... I started my own version of La Passacaglia - this is my second rosette which isn't finished yet.
I also started the New Hexagon Millefiori quilt - this fells much bigger in scale to La Pass but I'm loving it just as much. This is my first rosette so far... one more round of hexies to finish it.
And an off-shoot from this project... I'm using the pattern of rosette 1 to make a mini for my partner in the #handpiecedminiswap on Instagram. This time the hexagons are 2" finished rather than the original 3"
I did use my sewing machine a bit. Michael goes away for weekends every so often with his mates, and in return I get a weekend of child-free sewing. Except my weekend takes place in the house, so it wasn't really child-free. Nevertheless I got to do quite a lot of sewing, and used it as an opportunity to make a few things for Mia. Mostly, I spent it binge watching Harry Potter and making a quiet book for her. These are two of my favourite pages, but you can see all the pages in the reveal post.
But I also made a "diaper clutch" - I searched some patterns but eventually made my own, and it needs a few tweaks, but it did the job.
And finished as much as I could the Moccasin blocks I was behind. I love the strings, but my Dresden didn't work out well... it's a tad too big.
We went on holiday last week to Tenby - I'll post lots more photos soon, but here's one of my favourites.
And so I could sew on the go, I made a two-in-one pouch with a few additions.
And I have a few mini quilts tops waiting to be quilted as well... one using a charm pack from Karen Lewis...
...And one rainbow happy cushion cover.
I love doing these reviews - it helps me realize I did far more in a month than I remembered! Linking up with Lynne at Lily's Quilts
p.s. I know I've been really, really crap at replying to your comments over the last few months - I love reading your comments and I promise to get back on track with replying soon!
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Does everyone else take photos of their patchwork in the middle of the road? |
I also started the New Hexagon Millefiori quilt - this fells much bigger in scale to La Pass but I'm loving it just as much. This is my first rosette so far... one more round of hexies to finish it.
And an off-shoot from this project... I'm using the pattern of rosette 1 to make a mini for my partner in the #handpiecedminiswap on Instagram. This time the hexagons are 2" finished rather than the original 3"
I did use my sewing machine a bit. Michael goes away for weekends every so often with his mates, and in return I get a weekend of child-free sewing. Except my weekend takes place in the house, so it wasn't really child-free. Nevertheless I got to do quite a lot of sewing, and used it as an opportunity to make a few things for Mia. Mostly, I spent it binge watching Harry Potter and making a quiet book for her. These are two of my favourite pages, but you can see all the pages in the reveal post.
But I also made a "diaper clutch" - I searched some patterns but eventually made my own, and it needs a few tweaks, but it did the job.
And finished as much as I could the Moccasin blocks I was behind. I love the strings, but my Dresden didn't work out well... it's a tad too big.
We went on holiday last week to Tenby - I'll post lots more photos soon, but here's one of my favourites.
And so I could sew on the go, I made a two-in-one pouch with a few additions.
And I have a few mini quilts tops waiting to be quilted as well... one using a charm pack from Karen Lewis...
...And one rainbow happy cushion cover.
I love doing these reviews - it helps me realize I did far more in a month than I remembered! Linking up with Lynne at Lily's Quilts
p.s. I know I've been really, really crap at replying to your comments over the last few months - I love reading your comments and I promise to get back on track with replying soon!